Bank Rakyat : Dividen 18% FY 2012

Alhamdullilah syukur dengan nikmat yang diberikan olehNya..Syukur..syukur syukur..Walaupun mempunyai size fund yang agak kecik didalam Saham Bank Rakyat tetapi ianya cukup bermakna...18% dibayar dalam bentuk direct ke akaun sebanyak 16% dan 2% melalui penambahan syer secara automatik...Best gak...Yang penting merasa...hehehehe

KUALA LUMPUR, March 13 (Bernama) -- Bank Rakyat, the largest Islamic cooperative in Malaysia, today announced a RM2.11 billion profit before tax and zakat (tithe) for the financial year ended Dec 31, 2012.

The bank also declared an 18 per cent dividend for 947,541 members, entailing RM440 million in total cash payout and a bonus share dividend amounting to RM55 million.

Announcing the bank's financial results today, Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the bank also posted RM1.74 billion in net profit.

He said the bank's profit was driven by growth in its total income from financing and deposits, coupled with strong asset quality.

The bank's gross income rose by 13.2 per cent to RM6.23 billion, he told reporters today.



Anonymous said…
Lepas ni tunggu 1April utk 6.8% ASM pulak.....
Bulan 5 dan 6 nak tunggu dividen investment mana pulak bro....?
Share la sikit....kot2 boleh follow....

AhboNd 2020 said…
Nanti kawan share mana mana tarikh investment yang best..dan ianya menjadi den punya porfolio PENCEN muda...

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